Tesouro Direto – Passo a passo de como investir - Dicasdorei

Direct Treasury – Step by step on how to invest






If you don't know how to invest in Treasury Direct, one of the best known fixed income, now it's time to know an easy step by step.

It is worth mentioning investing in Treasury Direct It has been an option since 2002, has more affordable prices and is super safe. Since it refers to National Treasury bonds.

Basically, it works as follows: you choose the security and make the contract, depositing month by month and redeeming the amount at the end of the contract. Currently, all of this can be done online.

So come find out how!

Image taken from google


1# Open your account

First, you will need to open an account at a brokerage, which requires prior research, or even at a bank.

If you already have an account at a bank, you might consider continuing with just that bank, if it offers that option.

However, always consider what the fees and means of operation are, to choose the most profitable option.

The tip is always to choose a brokerage or bank that does not have custody fees, which in itself means great savings.

Soon, you open your account with the National Treasury, before or after choosing the brokerage.

You will then receive an e-mail with access data to a restricted area of the Direct Treasury.

All of this can be done through the app.

2# How to invest in Treasury Direct: Choice of bonds

to invest in Direct Treasury, With your account open, you can start knowing and choosing the bonds, which are divided into: prefixed, post-fixed and hybrid.

That way, evaluate which one is the best option for your money, considering values and everything.

The great advantage is that there is a simulator, which allows you to have a more comprehensive view of investments.

At this point, it is important to already have an account at the brokerage, so that you can simulate and start trading.

3# Purchase order

In this step you already need to have your account opened at the brokerage, at Treasury Direct and an idea of where to invest.

Therefore, you can send money to the brokerage to purchase the title.

In other words, to give continuity to how to invest in the Treasury Direct involves sending money to the broker, waiting for clearing and placing the buy order.

With that, you've already started investing.

So, you already have access to the extracts with all the data, just access it online or even through the application.

Now, just wait for your contract to expire and make the payments correctly to make the redemption and have your profits.


After you have spent a year with the investment, you must remember to include these amounts in your annual income tax return.

The investment in Treasury Direct is inserted in the space “Income Subject to Exclusive Taxation”.

However, you will only make the payment when you redeem the title or when the contract expires.

Questions about Direct Treasury

How to invest in Direct Treasury with little money?

One of the advantages of this type of investment is that you don't need to have a lot of money, since the minimum amount is R$ 30.

This value varies according to the title, which brings advantages and more possibilities for those who earn little per month.

Opening hours for buying and selling?

Even if it has an online platform, buying and selling securities only happens between 9:30 am and 6:00 pm.

For other options, you can schedule for weekends or public holidays.

Remembering that this time only refers to buying and selling, and the prices are those of market opening and are valid until the next business day.

How to invest in Direct Treasury: costs?

The cost of this investment is the platform custody fee, of 0.3% per year and always billed every six months.

In addition, there is the taxation of Income Tax, which is done only on profit and not on the amount invested.

The rate varies according to the time invested, being reduced the longer the time.

For other fees, such as custody and brokerage fees, you need to evaluate carefully.

Anyway, if you still have any questions, be sure to send your message and take the opportunity to check out all the investment posts here on the page.

Also, keep an eye on finance posts to organize your accounts, get out of the red and start making more money.