
Barbecue Meats – Best preparation tips


If you don't know how to prepare the best barbecue meats or how to ensure that perfect great restaurant flavor, now is the time to change that.

So, now check out the best preparation tips to put the meat on the grill!

1# It all starts with preparation

At first, one of the important points of a good barbecue is to prepare in advance.


This allows you to have what you need: from meats to drinks and seasonings.

So never leave it for the last minute, or you'll have to settle for what you find.

2# Review BBQ Meat Options

Another interesting tip is to always consider the type of meat you want to prepare, also considering the flavor and side dishes.

So here's the tip:

  • Flank steak: ideal for those looking for lighter, more flavorful meat, which is soft and requires more care so that it doesn't get too dry;
  • Contrafilé: one of the most loved and used in Brazilian barbecues, it is a tasty meat, easy to prepare, which can be more or less tender and cooks quickly;
  • Rump core: one of the most tender meats, it has very little fat and is ready very quickly;
  • Picanha: one of the most coveted cuts, it is an option that stands out for its juiciness, presence of fat and a lot of tenderness;
  • Rump: ideal for roasting in whole pieces, it has less fat and is very tasty;
  • Pork meat: when it comes to pork, the tastiest are the belly, loin cup, ribs and filet mignon.

3# Go beyond coarse salt when seasoning

Coarse salt is one of the most common seasonings in barbecues and many people prefer to keep only this one on the table.

Except the use of lemon.

However, you can also combine the meats with other seasonings, mainly to make the meat even more tender and tasty.

For example, mixing rock salt, butter and thyme is ideal for low-fat meats.

In the thick cuts, pass the coarse salt, let it roast a little, turn and throw the other ingredients on top, incorporating the meat.

Dried herbs, such as garlic and celery salt, are also good choices to flavor the piece.

But be careful, coarse salt should never be used to “soak”, as it can make the meat drier.

Also, the thinner the cut, the more attention to quantity, because meat absorbs salt faster.

4# Accompaniments make all the difference in barbecue meats

It's no secret that Brazilians like to prepare different snacks and side dishes for meat.

Therefore, there are several options, to choose the one that suits your family, group of friends and environment.

For example, some prefer barbecue sauces such as garlic and cheese. Others prefer potatoes and general side dishes.

Therefore, there are several interesting options for you to enjoy each piece of meat more and really savor each portion.

5# Seasonings in sauces

The seasonings in sauces are ideal for letting the meat rest a little, to “get” more of the flavor.

Generally, the most used seasoning uses thick salt, lemon and pepper.

However, an interesting tip is the beer!

That is, you take a can of beer, on average, pour it on the meat and leave it to rest for, more or less, an hour. Then, when you put it to bake, add the thick salt.

Another interesting option takes the following ingredients:

  • Parsley;
  • Garlic;
  • Oregano;
  • Tomato sauce, around two spoons for each kilo;
  • Oil;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

Mix all the ingredients, place in a container and immerse the meat, leaving it there for, on average, one to two hours.

6# Keeping an Eye on the Grill

One of the common problems that arise in barbecues is: the point of the meat.

Either because the pieces turned out to be too dry or because they are raw inside and burnt outside.

Although there are those who like these two extremes, most Brazilians like balance. That term where the meat gets pretty juicy.

In general, the perfect barbecue meats are those that are cut not too thinly and not thickly, more or less than two centimeters.

But, if you are going to make it on a skewer, prefer meats with 5 to 6 centimeters.

If you like the meat juicier and rare on the inside and sealed on the outside, each part should stand for 5 to 15 minutes, close to the grill.

Thicker meats should be further away from the fire and longer on each side.

Anyway, do you still have any questions about these tips on how to prepare meat for barbecue?

Be sure to follow the page and stay on top of all the news to have that perfect fillet.
