Dieta Nutritiva: Panqueca de Banana Proteica - Dicasdorei

Nutritious Diet: Protein Banana Pancake






Want to conquer the perfect body? The first step is to start a rich and nutritious diet and combine your physical exercise routines, which is what will help you achieve the body of your dreams. Allied to this we need to lead a healthier life.

We know unhealthy habits can make us feel good, but the consequences are often much worse. Leading a healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity. In addition, it improves mood and reduces the need for medical assistance.

So what should you do to lead a healthy lifestyle? Below are some ways to make a positive change in your lifestyle. And don't forget to see a health professional regularly!


Even if you don't have time to join a gym or spend hours at the gym, you can still engage in exercise to stay healthy. In addition to physical activities, exercise is also important to keep your heart and body healthy.

Moderate exercise is the best way to achieve these benefits. Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise is recommended for healthy adults, but if you have limitations, try to exercise two or three times a week.

Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy body weight and improves your physical appearance. Exercise not only improves your health, it also helps you feel better about yourself, which in turn will lead to a happier and healthier life.

It's also good for the people around you, because an active person tends to lead a healthier lifestyle. Exercise also allows children to see a good example, which means they will follow suit.


A healthy diet contains a variety of nutrients that help your body run normally and keep you alive. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are the main sources of energy. The fifth food group includes starchy foods such as bread, rice and potatoes.

Lean meats and fish, nuts and beans are also important. These foods should make up the bulk of your diet. Eating a healthy diet is not just about cutting out certain foods, but choosing a healthy balance of different types of foods to suit your lifestyle.

To prevent the development of chronic diseases, you should try to include more whole grains in your diet. Studies have shown that whole grains can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer.

Try replacing some of your refined grains with whole grains and experience the taste. Finally, when selecting food items, read nutrition labels and avoid high-fat foods. Make sure you eat foods with lots of fruits and vegetables and don't forget to include physical activity in your daily routine.

stress management

While stress is a natural part of life, long-term high levels can have negative effects on our health. Long-term high levels of stress are linked to cardiovascular disease, obesity and high blood pressure. However, if stress is managed, these health problems can be prevented or reduced. It's also important to consider the impact of stress on our relationships. Listed below are the ways in which stress can affect your life.

While stress is a natural psychological reaction to challenges in our lives, chronic levels can affect our health and performance. The human body was wired to respond to threats and danger by producing hormones that increase our heart rate and blood pressure. This response is known as the fight-or-flight response. As such, taking time out to rest and rejuvenate after a stressful event is vital.

Regular medical checkups

Getting a regular medical checkup can help you avoid many health problems. In addition to displaying diseases, it can also help you to detect certain diseases in their early stages. If detected early, an illness can be treated more efficiently and the patient can lead a healthy life.

Regular medical checkups are important for leading a healthy life. They can help you catch the symptoms of certain health issues early, and they can even save lives.

A medical checkup helps your doctor diagnose health problems early. Doctors can also suggest a healthier lifestyle if needed. By attending a checkup, you can also tell your doctor how you are doing with your medications and how your lifestyle has improved. By ensuring your health is on track, you'll be able to make lifestyle changes that keep your body and mind as healthy as possible.

Let's learn how to make a delicious dish of nutritious banana pancakes:


  • Salt to taste;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tablespoon of flour, linseed or oats;
  • 2 clear;
  • 3 tablespoons preferably of cottage cheese.

How to prepare?

  • Beat the eggs and egg whites with the cream in a blender or in a bowl with a wire whisk.
  • Mix well until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Add the oat flour or linseed and salt to taste. Mix again. Flaxseed can be substituted for other flours.
  • Oil a frying pan or use a non-stick frying pan.
  • Preheat the heat to low, pour some of the dough into the center of the pan and spread it over the bottom. Cook over low heat until browned on both sides.
  • Now here's the little secret, after taking the dough out of the pan, grab it and shake it a few times to let it cool down a bit.
  • Then return it to a low heat and it is ready to add a little more dough to the center, spreading it all over the bottom. Repeat until all the dough is ready.
    Fill in as desired. 


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