Dicas de alimentação fitness para melhorar o seu cardápio - Dicasdorei

Fitness food tips to improve your diet






The fitness food tips come to expand your food plan, getting out of the comfort zone and improving the quality of flavor.

That way, it's easier to organize how your day-to-day will work, prevent you from ending up getting sick of some food or even leaving your diet and more balanced options. Check out!

1# Proteins: There are several options

First of all, proteins are among the main options of the food routine, as they provide energy, improve health, increase the production of muscle fibers, prevent the loss of lean mass and even increase fat burning.

That is, it is essential for your routine.

However, contrary to what many say out there, it is necessary to go a little further than chicken, which is the most consumed food.

You've probably seen some list of recipes that had chicken grilled, roasted, in sauce, shredded and so on.

But, going a little further than chicken, proteins are also present in red meat, pork and fish.

Including, fish are among the most suitable, as they are rich in good fats and cause a feeling of satiety. Besides being juicy.

Another cool option is eggs, rich in vitamins that boost the immune system.

Therefore, there are several options to diversify your diet.

2# Take a look at carbs among fitness eating tips

Carbohydrates are divided into simple, which are those that the body absorbs very quickly, and complex, which take longer to be absorbed.

In short, the simple ones would be like sugars and white flour, while the complex ones are whole grains and sweet potatoes.

Therefore, the ideal is to reduce the simple routine and opt for the complex ones, which help with muscle recovery, avoid compulsion and ideal after more intense workouts.

Thus, most doctors and nutritionists indicate that the ideal is never to completely cut carbohydrates from the routine.

Especially if you have a lot of activities and need concentration, focus and/or strength.

With that in mind, prefer the consumption of whole carbohydrates and in smaller quantities. The recommendation would be 2g for each kilo.

3# Make your plate super colorful

One of the fitness eating tips is to increase the proportion of options on your plate, getting out of the ordinary.

With this, it is important to emphasize the consumption of vegetables, such as vegetables and greens.

Thus, most vegetables are always recommended in large quantities, especially dark green leaves.

For the main meals of the day, opt for a large amount of these foods before the main meal, reducing carbohydrate consumption.

Therefore, opt for really colorful portions, which expand your menu by bringing new textures and flavors.

In this regard, the best recommendations include:

  • Lettuce;
  • Broccoli.
  • Arugula;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Cabbage;
  • Spinach;
  • Lentils;
  • Chickpea;
  • Asparagus;
  • Carrot;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Cucumber;
  • Bell peppers;
  • Eggplant, etc.

4# Fitness Eating Tips: What to Reduce?

Coming to the fourth tip of this post, it's time to talk a little about what you should reduce on your menu.

So the first rule is never to completely cut out any food. Since, by doing this, you can get even more craving and end up eating too much.

Therefore, the recommendation is to reduce what is bad for your body in some way and that still makes it difficult to lose weight or to get in shape.

Therefore, the first reduction tip is excess sugars and sodium.

That is, the excess of cakes, sweets, soft drinks, artificial juices, ready-made frozen foods, canned goods and so on.

A practical way is: whenever it is processed food, reduce consumption.

Valid for breads, fast food and more.

5# Slow and steady: change is gradual

Finally, it is worth noting that change is not always easy or happens overnight.

After all, this requires changing a number of things that you are used to following on a daily basis. In other words, old habits.

Therefore, it is important to remain calm and understand that mistakes, new discoveries and even self-knowledge may occur.

No wonder it is recommended to look for a professional to accompany you, carry out periodic exams and focus on a mental and physical change.

Thus, mental change allows you to adapt and reduce suffering as well as the perception of “missing” something.

The physical change, on the other hand, helps you to have a routine that works, follow the change and always adapt.

Anyway, if you have more questions about food, be sure to follow the page to keep an eye on everything to come.