Como Conseguir Implante Dentário pelo SUS: Os Melhores Aplicativos - Dicasdorei

How to Get a Dental Implant through the SUS: The Best Apps






Having a healthy and beautiful smile is the desire of many people. However, dental problems can arise throughout life, requiring treatments such as dental implants.

For many Brazilians, the cost of these procedures can be an obstacle, but the Unified Health System (SUS) offers an affordable alternative.

In this article, we will explore in detail how to get a dental implant through the SUS and we will also present the best oral health-related apps to help you keep your teeth healthy and prevent future problems.

Brief History of Dental Implants by SUS

Dental implants through SUS represent a significant achievement in the area of oral health in Brazil. Initially, the public health system focused on more basic dental services, leaving more complex procedures, such as implants, outside its coverage.

However, as awareness of the importance of oral health grew and dental technology advanced, SUS recognized the need to expand its services to meet the demands of the population.

As a result, dental implants were gradually included in the list of procedures offered by the SUS.

Today, thousands of Brazilians have already benefited from this program, recovering chewing function, aesthetics and self-esteem through dental implants.

Tips and Suggestions for Getting Dental Implants through SUS

Getting a dental implant through the SUS can be a challenging process, but it is possible. Here are some tips and suggestions to help you on this journey:

Consult a Dentist: The first step is to look for a dentist at the health center closest to your home. The professional will assess your situation and, if necessary, refer you to an implant dentistry specialist.

Complete Documentation: Make sure to provide all necessary documents, such as ID, CPF, proof of residence and any medical documentation related to your case. Correct documentation is crucial to the process.

Wait for the Call: After the initial assessment, your name will be placed on a waiting list. Waiting times may vary depending on demand in your area, so be patient.

Stay Informed: Stay tuned for updates and calls from the health center. Be sure to attend scheduled appointments and follow the guidance of healthcare professionals.

Questions and Clarifications: Don't hesitate to ask your dentist questions about the process and procedures. Understanding what is happening is important for your peace of mind.

Alternatives: In some cases, there may be alternatives to implants, such as removable dentures. Discuss the options available with your dentist and consider what is best for you.

Post-Implant Care: After implant surgery, strictly follow the post-operative care instructions. This is essential for the success of the treatment.

Common Questions about Dental Implants by SUS

How long does it take to get an implant through the SUS?

Waiting times can vary significantly depending on region and demand. It can take anywhere from a few months to more than a year.

Who is entitled to dental implants through the SUS?

SUS mainly serves low-income people with specific dental needs. Eligibility may vary by state and county.

Is the quality of SUS implants guaranteed?

Yes, implants performed by SUS follow strict quality standards. Healthcare professionals are trained and qualified to perform high-quality procedures.

Is it possible to choose the type of implant through SUS?

Generally, the type of implant is determined by the dentist, based on your oral condition. However, you can discuss your preferences and concerns with your healthcare professional.

Is SUS treatment free?

In many cases, treatment is free or has a nominal cost, depending on your financial situation and local health policy.

The Best Apps for Oral Health

In addition to seeking a dental implant through the SUS, it is essential to maintain an oral health care routine. There are useful apps that can help in this regard. Here are some of the best:

Dental Expert: This app offers comprehensive information about dental care, including oral hygiene tips and information about different dental procedures. It also has a brushing tracker to ensure you are brushing your teeth correctly.

Dental Anywhere: If you have a busy schedule, this app allows you to easily book appointments and receive reminders about oral health care, including visits to the dentist.

Brush DJ: Making brushing fun is the goal of this app, which offers music for you to listen to while brushing your teeth. It also includes reminders to replace your toothbrush and schedule dentist appointments.

Oral-B App: If you use Oral-B electric toothbrushes, this app is a great addition. It provides real-time guidance for effective brushing.

DentiCalc: This app is particularly useful for anyone considering dental implants. It allows you to take photos of your teeth and share them with a dentist to get opinions and advice on your specific case.


Getting a dental implant through the SUS can be an affordable solution for people facing oral problems. It's important to follow the correct steps, keep your documentation in order, and be patient during the process.

Remember that oral health is fundamental to overall well-being, and SUS offers support to ensure that everyone has access to adequate dental treatment.

Furthermore, using apps related to oral health can be an effective way to prevent dental problems in the future. Therefore, not only seek the necessary treatment, but also adopt a proper oral care routine to keep your smile healthy and beautiful.

We hope this comprehensive guide has provided valuable information on how to get dental implants through the SUS and how to take care of your oral health in general.

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