How to learn to eat sweets fitness – An easy guide to change your kitchen


Whenever the subject is how to learn to eat fitness sweets, many start by saying that the taste is not the same, that it is “not funny” or even that it is very difficult to adapt.

Precisely for this reason, sweets are among the most difficult steps to replace in food, as they are seen as unattainable.

But calm down: it doesn't have to be difficult or painful and you can still enjoy many other flavors and textures, which you haven't even known yet. Come find out how now!


1# It all starts with a new habit

Contrary to what has been taught for many years, eating well is different from overeating. But it is natural to confuse the two things.


In this way, the idea of eating well is to include healthy and balanced options on the menu, which offer what your body needs.

Therefore, it has no direct relationship with the quantity.

In the same way, you need to assess how much you eat because you are hungry or feel like it and the idea of impulse.


In practice, whenever you overeat, you are eating on impulse. Since this is not a necessity, but an exaggeration.

In summary, it all starts with adopting a new and important habit: choosing food for quality, never quantity.

Thus, you discover that it may be more interesting to eat a sweet fit, savoring it, than to ingest a whole box of Bis.

However, this habit of paying attention to quantity and quality is not simple or fast and may take some time to adapt.

So, keep calm, seek knowledge about food, understand that you can make mistakes, but that you can get back to the best path.

2# Eating fitness sweets does not mean always being on a diet

One of the important food tips is directly linked to the quality of food.

In general, fitness sweets are less processed and industrialized, being prepared with fruits and healthier ingredients.

As a result, they are more likely to bring benefits to the body.

This means that you don't need to be on a diet to choose these sweets and that they can be an integrated part of your life, at all stages.

That is, you shouldn't think of fit sweets as an alternative just for when you're on a diet, but as common in routine.

Because they are healthy, they can (and should) be part of your routine, contributing to your diet and well-being.

Also, keep in mind that regimens don't last forever, being done for a limited time only.

3# The adaptation of textures and flavors

Learning to eat fitness sweets is understanding that you will need to adapt to a new world of textures and flavors.

In summary, industrialized sweets, such as chocolate bars, go through a long manufacturing process.

During this process, food loses part of the nutrients as well as the most basic characteristics of the components, such as texture.

The result is that, by consuming these sweets for many years, your palate adapts to this “format”.

Therefore, knowing fit sweets is relearning about texture and flavor, by consuming food in a more natural way, without many processes.

For example, you discover that the darkest chocolate really is bitter and even has a firmer texture.

And not that it's like milk chocolates, only slightly unsweetened.

This adaptation process is slow and individual.

Thus, the tip is to adapt little by little, starting with more common options before arriving at those recipes that are more daring, bitter or completely free of processed ingredients.

4# Never completely restrict your eating when eating fitness candy

Finally, one of the most common mistakes that should be avoided in healthy or fit eating is the complete cut of some foods.

Even though the ideal is to always choose healthy and balanced portions, human beings are not craving-free machines.

Soon, you can feel that very specific urge, which other sweets cannot eliminate.

When this happens, the best thing to do is to consume a portion of what you want, but in a controlled manner.

For example, it's okay to eat a birthday cake, but it's ideal to only eat a small piece.

On a daily basis, you can also consume chocolate bars, preferably two small pieces a day and, if possible, the most bitter ones.

Completely restricting eating, especially overnight, can cause even more food cravings or frustration.

So, keep an eye out and be sure to check out the fit candy recipes here on the page!


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