Churrasco sem churrasqueira – Como fazer e aproveitar o dia - Dicasdorei

Barbecue without barbecue – How to do it and enjoy the day






Barbecue without barbecue comes as a solution for those who live in apartments and cannot afford to have this space or even for those who still do not have this leisure area at home.

As a result, many end up putting this type of activity aside, and there are some practical solutions, in addition to buying ready-made food.

So come find out more.

1# Plate is an easy solution

The plates are ideal for those who really need to dispense with the smoke and cannot create a barbecue on the ground.

Therefore, you can buy this iron plate and place it on top of your stove, which will serve as a base, or as a grill.

An interesting tip is to always let the plate warm up well before putting the meat on, to facilitate the preparation.

Also, you can add vegetables, cheeses and other servings there.

Since it uses no smoke and almost no grease, you'll find you don't have to worry too much about mess.

An interesting tip is to buy plates the size of your stove, which take a maximum of two “burners”.

That way, the fire really catches the plate and makes your barbecue easier.

2# Pressure cooker for barbecue without grill

An interesting tip that few know is that the pressure cooker can work as a barbecue.

In short, the shape and material of these pans allow you to create a kind of mini space for roasting meat and other recipes.

Basically, what you will need is charcoal, aluminum foil, a pan and the meat.

So, you take the charcoal and wrap it in aluminum foil, covering the bottom of the pot.

Then, you place the meat on the aluminum foil, without touching the edges of the pan, close it and bring it to a boil.

The average preparation time is 20 minutes, after getting pressure.

3# Electric grills

Electric grills are among the most functional inventions for those who want to have a barbecue without a grill and without dirt.

In summary, it works with electricity and guarantees that incredible meat aspect, in addition to being easy to use.

The base of these grills uses water, which prevents grease from falling into the device, dirt, strong smells and even any hint of smoke.

However, they are small options and, almost always, take some time to ensure the preparation of the meats.

In this way, it is essential to start putting the meat in a little before the time you want to eat it and take advantage of other recipes and sauces while you roast.

You can also find some electric grills on the market, which work in a similar way.

4# Barbecue Grill – Using the Oven

The oven is an interesting and practical option to save time in the kitchen.

Generally, the general tip is to opt for larger pieces of meat, seasoning and wrapping in aluminum foil.

Then just put it on a baking sheet and let it bake.

However, another tip is to create a type of grid.

Therefore, you are going to use a grill, placing it under a roasting pan with a portion of water that just covers the bottom.

Then he places the meats on top of the grill, like the electric grill, but in the oven.

Soon, the meat is roasting little by little, dripping on the pan, in the water, without making any kind of mess.

5# Makeshift barbecue

Finally, a tip is for those who have space at home and want to bet on improvisation.

So, you will need cement blocks or bricks, aluminum foil and a grill.

Just cover the floor with aluminum foil to prevent it from staining or anything like that, which is an option. Then, make a kind of “little house”, creating a square with the blocks and bricks.

So, put the charcoal, light it normally and place the grate on top.

An interesting tip is to use tin cans, the smaller ones made from paint cans or even the big ones, which work well and can even become portable.

You can even find several cool options on the internet.

golden tip

Finally, an interesting tip is to use the electric fryer to prepare garlic bread and other recipes and even bet on really good barbecue side dishes.

That way, you will have an amazing meal, made at home and without having to go to a steakhouse.

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