Cesta básica social: Como Receber - Dicasdorei

Basic Social Basket: How to Receive






“The Food Basket” basic social basket it is not a federal government program, but was conceived as an individual initiative by some state governments to fight the hunger pandemic and distribute food baskets and hygiene kits to families in social emergency situations.

the term basic social basket refers to a set of goods and services considered essential for a minimum acceptable standard of living. The social basket is used as a tool to measure poverty and social exclusion. It is also used to assess the adequacy of welfare provision.

The social basket typically includes items such as food, shelter, clothing, health and education. The exact composition of the social basket varies from country to country and even from region to region within a country. A basic social basket it is not simply a list of basic needs. It also includes items considered essential for a dignified standard of living. For example, the social bundle might include access to a telephone, internet, or transportation.

The social basket is not static. It evolves over time to reflect changes in society. For example, the social basket in developed countries today would likely include items that were not considered essential a hundred years ago, such as electricity or running water.

In some cases, the basic social basket it is used as a tool to influence public policy. For example, civil society groups can use the social basket to lobby for increased government spending on welfare programs.

The social basket is a useful tool for measuring poverty and social exclusion. However, it is important to remember that the social basket is not an exhaustive list of all the goods and services that people need to live a dignified life.


The beneficiary must be a family registered in the Uniform Registry. – The CadÚnico for Social Programs is the federal government's instrument for identifying and describing the socioeconomic characteristics of low-income families.

Joining CadÚnico facilitates these families' access to public benefits.


Note: Depending on the city where you live, there may be different rules for applying for this benefit, so you need to consult the CRAS in your city, for example SP, RJ, MG, CE and PE explain the following:

The government of SP has announced the distribution of 50 crore food cards worth Rs 100 to needy families in the state

This benefit can be used to buy food, fruit, vegetables and legumes directly from supermarkets in SP.

According to the Unified Register (CadÚnico) of Social Security, assisted families are more socially vulnerable.

The state government currently distributes around 2 million food baskets per month to needy families.

The Secretariat informs that in the month of reception of the card, 50 thousand homes will not receive the closed physical basket.

These cards will be used exclusively for the purchase of food and essential goods, with the purchase of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products and food cards distributed to employees by private companies being prohibited.

It is confirmed that Niterói RJ 2021 basic food aid will continue to be paid in full at 500 Reais.
To check if you are covered, check the requirements:

  • Families that are not in the CadÚnico and that have children that enter the municipal network can receive an additional contribution of 500 Reais (August);
  • From September (until the end of the school year), families with children going to school will receive a basic food basket in Niterói;
  • Active Search beneficiaries will receive two more months of service;
  • MEI, taxi drivers and civil society registrants will receive the final payment in July.

How to participate in the Federal Government food basket?

To do so, just follow the steps below:

1) Visit Niteroy's Basic Income website (www.niteroi.rj.gov.br/rendabasica);

2) Anyone who cannot be verified on the website can text the responsible student insurance fund to 28047 for more information.