Arquivos Benefícios Sociais - Page 2 of 4 - Dicasdorei

Social Benefits - Page 2

PIS 2023 | Benefit schedule and details

PIS 2023 is an important source of financing for Brazilian workers, as it allows them to receive the amount owed to them as soon as possible, as remuneration for their work. See here how to receive PIS PIS is a social security system that benefits Brazilian workers who contribute to […]

PIS 2023: See the payment schedule and find out if you are entitled

The Social Integration Program (PIS 2023) is a benefit that aims to provide a better distribution of income in the country. The benefit is paid annually to workers who meet the criteria established by Caixa Econômica Federal. SEE YOUR PIS HERE In 2023, the PIS payment schedule will follow the same […]

Auxilio Brasil news – Get all post-election updates

After so many conflicts and events not only in Brazil, but throughout the world, it resulted in major impacts on populations, making them socially vulnerable. Thus, as a way to alleviate this problem, social programs were created with the aim of helping economically vulnerable families. Therefore, this is the case of Auxílio Brasil, which emerged during the Bolsonaro government. At the […]

How to receive food assistance

As 2023 begins, there will certainly be many challenges and opportunities, just as in previous years. Thus, the government decided to develop “Food Aid” or “Basic Basket Aid”, aiming to help all people experiencing economic difficulties. After all, due to several factors, in recent years the percentage of socially vulnerable families […]

Learn all about PIS: Consultation, Withdrawal, Calendar and Value

If you are a public servant or work in a private sector with a formal contract, you have certainly heard of PIS/PASEP. Both are salary bonuses, made up of deposits from private companies and public bodies into a fund for employees. CHECK YOUR WITHDRAWAL HERE However, despite living in a reality full of […]

Brazil Aid - Payroll Loan

Auxílio Brasil – Payroll Loan is a new line of credit aimed at Brazilian workers. The main objective of this line of credit is to offer workers access to long-term financing, with lower interest rates and more flexible conditions. Auxílio Brasil – Payroll Loan is intended for workers who have […]

Help Brazil for single mothers- Learn all about the benefit

In the current situation, many women find themselves facing an arduous situation without the support of their children's parents, or anyone else. Therefore, Bill 2099/20, which provides for a monthly payment of R$ 1,200 to single mothers and heads of families, is still being processed. Therefore, to start taking effect it will be necessary for the […]

How to receive food assistance

Due to several factors, many Brazilians find themselves exposed to severe survival conditions. Thus, some state governments created aid with the aim of helping families in need. Therefore, this food aid, also known as Basic Basket Aid, is made up of basic food baskets, hygiene kits distributed to families in […]

Learn all about PIS: query, withdrawal, calendar and value

If at some point in your life you worked or still currently work with a formal contract, you certainly received a PIS or PASEP registration number. pis withdrawal how to request In fact, every worker, whether working in a private company or a public employee, receives a number referring to their PIS/PASEP. Both are salary bonuses formed by deposits […]

Auxílio Brasil payroll loan – See how to apply for yours

Auxílio Brasil is a program created by the federal government to offer financial assistance to informal workers, individual microentrepreneurs and the unemployed during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aid is paid in two installments of R$ 600.00 and can be requested via the Caixa Econômica Federal website. Brazil aid is a temporary program, created to […]