Carteira de trabalho digital - Testar o aplicativo - Dicasdorei

Digital Workbook – Test the App






The digital workbook, or CTPS, is one of the most important documents for workers, as it records a person's entire professional history.

The CTPS used to be a paper document that had to be kept carefully throughout the worker's lifetime, but now it has gone digital.

This raises many questions for those who already had a physical document and don't know how to access it digitally.

Digital Workbook – Freepik Premium

What is a Digital Workbook?

A CTPS is a very important document in the lives of workers.

When a person is registered on a work card, they have employment rights which are regulated by law.

In the past, these records were made in physical documents, but now, all records are made in digital format.

Only in exceptional cases, a physical card may be required.

On a digital job card, a person's entire work history is recorded, just like on a physical CTPS.

The only difference is that, on a digital card, the records are stored in a virtual environment, but the function of the document is the same.

What is it used for?

The digital CTPS makes life easier for workers, as it is now easier to track and request benefits, as well as demand rights.

Whatever the case, all processes are facilitated with a digital workbook.

Now, workers themselves can apply for their benefits and keep abreast of the latest developments on their card without having to leave their homes.

All you have to do is access the Internet and manage it through a browser or application, where you will have access to your digital work portfolio.

How to download the Digital Work Card application?

  • You must first go to the application store on your smartphone (Android or IOS), find the following applications
  • “Digital Job Card” and download the tool.
  • 1 – Once accessed, the information screens will only appear on the first login.
  • 2 – You will then see the screen with the button (Login):
  • 3 – After clicking on the “ENTER” button, enter your CPF, those who have already entered to register in the Sine Easy or not my INSS, just put your CPF.
  • 4 – If you are not yet registered, click on “Create an account” and follow the steps below.
  • Ask for screens.
  • 5 – After the password creation procedure, re-enter the application, enter “CPF” and the registered password and click on “ENTER”.
  • 6 – The next step will be to open your digital work portfolio.

It has the same weight as a normal document, it is worth downloading the application.

How to sign the digital wallet?

A common question is: how do I sign the card now that it's digital? The answer is simple: a subscription is not required. At least not in the traditional pen and paper way.

The physical signature has been replaced by a digital one. Generally, companies only request the necessary data to register the person hired and this already counts as a signature.

In other cases, there are websites and applications used by contracting companies that serve as digital signatures for contracts.

But don't worry, none of these cases require you to actually write your signature.

With the digital wallet, do I not need the traditional one? Does one replace the other?

Yes, but for those who have already received the printed document, the Special Secretariat for Social Security and Labor advises that they keep it.

Especially in cases of very old experience, it may be important to have the physical document.

Because it may not yet have been released to the digital environment, so the document is an extra proof of time worked.

so download today even your digital workbook!