
Bolsa Família x Auxilio Brasil – How will the benefits be?


Have you heard about Bolsa Família x Aid Brazil? Discover key information about this program in this article. Many people still don't understand how it works and whether everyone is entitled to it, so use this article to find out more.

Bolsa Família x Aid Brazil is a new social program of the federal government. It integrates public policies for social assistance, health, education, employment and income. The program takes effect in November this year and replaces Bolsa Família.

Right after these elections, we are all wondering how to stay the benefits Bolsa Família x Aid Brazil because there is speculation that the aid in Brazil will become Bolsa Familia again, so we expect a correct position from the government to know how the aid will really be and if there will be readjustments in the amounts


This is because this month's payments have already been put into circulation, but with the traditional value of 400 reais and many people do not know when the new value will be distributed.

In this sense, it is necessary to clarify that, at least for this month, all beneficiaries will continue to receive the traditional amount without adjustments. The new value of R$600 should start to be applied in August, depending on the processing of a proposal that is expected to be approved by the National Congress.

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In this sense, it is necessary to clarify that, at least for this month, all beneficiaries will continue to receive the traditional value without adjustments. The new value of R$600 should start to be applied in August, depending on the processing of a proposal that is expected to be approved by the National Congress.

Federal government assistance in Brazil is a great way to get help when you need it. There are many benefits you can receive from this type of help, and it's important to know what they are so you can take advantage of them.


Here are some of the benefits you can receive from Federal Government assistance in Brazil:

  1. You can get help with your living expenses.

If you are struggling to make ends meet, the federal government can help you with your living expenses. This includes things like food and shelter.

  1. You can get help with your education.

If you need help paying for your education, the federal government can help. This includes things like classes and books.

  1. You can get help with your health care.

If you need help paying for your health care, the federal government can help. This includes things like doctor appointments and prescriptions.

  1. You can get help with your work.

If you need help finding a job, the federal government can help. This includes things like training and job search assistance.

  1. You can get help from your family.

If you need help taking care of your family, the federal government can help you. This includes things like childcare and parenting assistance.

Federal government assistance in Brazil is a great way to get help when you need it. There are many benefits you can receive from this type of help, and it's important to know what they are so you can take advantage of them.

Aid Brazil has increased

The benefit with the new amount will be paid starting in August and will last until December, and will follow the traditional payment schedule defined according to the last digit of the NIS. The increase of R$ 200 in the amount of Aid Brazil is linked to the recent approval of the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) 1/2022.

With the approval of the PEC, not only the Auxílio Brasil will have a new value, as well as the national gas voucher will have an increase of half the price of cooking gas to R$ 120.

Who will be contemplated with the new value of the program?

It is worth mentioning that all families already registered with Auxílio Brasil will automatically receive the new value of R$600 without the need to submit a new application.

However, it is important to note that families registered in CadÚnico since 2016 and 2017 must update their registrations to continue receiving the benefit.

Families in extreme poverty (per capita household income up to R$105 per person) as well as in poverty (per capita household income from R$105.01 to R$210) are eligible for assistance from Brazil.

Find out about the payment schedule for the Auxílio Brasil program

Payment will be made according to the final number of the NIS, following the expected payment schedule until December.

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