Aplicativos Rastrear Hashtags do TikTok em Tempo Real - Quais os melhores? - Dicasdorei

Apps to Track TikTok Hashtags in Real Time – Which are the best?






In TikTok's ever-evolving digital universe, understanding and harnessing the power of hashtags could be the key to unlocking a new level of visibility and engagement.

Hashtags are not just tags; they are powerful beacons that guide content through the vast sea of videos, helping creations stand out in the storm of information.

In this context, apps that track TikTok hashtags in real time emerge as crucial tools for content creators, brands and marketers looking to optimize their online presence.

This article takes a deep dive into this technology, exploring the importance of these apps and showcasing the best ones on the market to help take your TikTok strategy to new heights.

The Rise of Hashtags on TikTok

Remember the days when hashtags were just a new thing on social media, often used more to add a humorous touch to posts than for any marketing purpose? Those days are gone.

No TikTok, as hashtags evoluíram para algo semelhante a uma ciência exata – uma alquimia digital onde o uso correto pode virar obscuridade em virilidade.

The history of hashtags on TikTok is one of exponential growth and sophistication, reflecting the platform's own trajectory from a nook of casual fun to a strategic battleground for public attention.

Delving deeper into the topic: Tips and Suggestions

To truly harness the power of hashtags on TikTok, it's not enough to simply attach them to your videos randomly. It takes strategy, analysis and, above all, timing. Here are some tips for optimizing your use of hashtags:

Use Tracking Apps: Using apps dedicated to tracking the most popular hashtags in real time can give you a competitive advantage, allowing you to adapt your content strategy to align with current trends.

Balance between Popular and Niche: While popular hashtags have the power to broaden your reach, more niche hashtags can help target your content to a more specific audience, potentially increasing engagement.

Trend Analysis: In addition to tracking hashtags, look at emerging trends on TikTok. This can include video formats, editing styles, viral songs, and of course, hashtags that quickly gain prominence.

Common Questions about the Topic

How many hashtags should I use on each post? TikTok allows up to 100 characters in hashtags per post, which generally translates to around 3 to 5 hashtags depending on the length. Use them wisely.

Do hashtags really make a difference? Yes, they can make all the difference between a video that stays hidden in the confines of TikTok and one that achieves virility.

How to choose the right hashtags? In addition to using tracking apps, engage with the TikTok community, look at which hashtags are being used by popular videos in your niche, and experiment with combinations that align with both your video content and current trends.

Suggestions for the Best Apps

To help navigate this ever-changing world of hashtags, here are five of the best apps for tracking TikTok's most trending hashtags in real time:

TikTok Insights: Provides in-depth analysis of trending hashtags, allowing you to see not only which ones are trending, but why they are popular.

TrendTok: This app offers insights into trending hashtags and their performance, allowing you to quickly adapt content.

Hashtag Expert: Generates personalized lists of hashtags based on performance analysis, optimizing your reach.

RiteTag: Offers real-time hashtag suggestions based on image and text analysis, ideal for visual content.

Keyhole: Specializes in hashtag tracking and engagement analysis, providing valuable data for TikTok marketing strategies.


Hashtags are much more than an add-on to your TikTok videos; they are powerful tools that can catapult your content to new heights of visibility and engagement.

With the help of the right apps to track the most trending hashtags in real time, you can strategically position yourself at the forefront of trends, ensuring your content not only gets seen, but also resonates with your audience.

We hope this guide has shed light on the importance of these tools and how they can be used effectively.

Now, we'd love to hear from you: what hashtag strategies have worked for you on TikTok? What apps would you recommend? Share your experiences and suggestions in the comments below.