Online pregnancy test app – Which are the best? - Tipsdorei

Online Pregnancy Test App – Which are the Best?






Nowadays, with the advancement of technology and the availability of smartphones for most people, it is increasingly common to use applications to help in different areas of our lives.

And when it comes to pregnancy, it couldn't be any different. There are several applications available that promise to perform online pregnancy tests in a reliable and practical way.

In this article, we're going to review the best online pregnancy test apps on the market, taking into account the accuracy of the results, ease of use, features offered, and overall reliability.

What to look for in an online pregnancy test app?

Before looking at the best online pregnancy test apps, it's important to understand what criteria we should take into account when choosing one.

There are some characteristics that are essential to guarantee the quality and reliability of the results. Are they:

1. Accuracy – The application must present accurate results that can be trusted by the user. It is critical that he use scientifically proven methods to determine pregnancy.

2. Ease of use – The application should be easy to use, with an intuitive interface and clear instructions for the user to follow. It is important that it is accessible to all people, regardless of their level of technological knowledge.

3. Extra features – Some apps may offer extra features such as menstrual calendar, fertility tips and pregnancy information. These resources can be helpful for women who are trying to get pregnant or who are already pregnant.

4. App Reputation – Before downloading any app, it is important to check its reputation. Researching other users' opinions and checking the app store rating can help identify credible apps.

Subtitle 2 – Best Online Pregnancy Test Apps

Now that we know the criteria for choosing an online pregnancy test app, let's look at the best ones available on the market:

1. Flo – Flo is an all-in-one app that offers not only an online pregnancy test, but also a menstrual calendar, ovulation tracking, and other features related to women's health. It has a user-friendly interface and offers accurate information about pregnancy.

2. Ava – Ava is an application that uses a portable device to measure various body parameters, such as basal temperature, heart rate and sleep. It uses this data to identify a woman's fertile window and provide information about the likelihood of pregnancy.

3. Clue – Clue is another app that goes beyond the online pregnancy test. It offers a detailed menstrual calendar, fertility alerts and menstrual cycle information. It is a very popular app among women who want to conceive or monitor their menstrual cycle.

4. Glow – Glow is an app that combines an online pregnancy test with a menstrual calendar, ovulation tracking and fertility information. It has an active community of users who share experiences and offer support.

Final considerations

When choosing an online pregnancy test app, it is important to evaluate the criteria presented above.

Every woman has different needs, so it's essential to find the app that best suits your expectations and preferences.

In addition, it is always recommended to consult a health professional to confirm the results obtained by the application.


Online pregnancy test apps can be a useful tool to help women during the trying to conceive phase or during a pregnancy.

However, it is important to choose a reliable app that meets each woman's individual needs.

The apps mentioned in this article were evaluated based on the accuracy of the results, ease of use, extra features offered, and overall reputation.

By considering these aspects, the chances of choosing a quality app are significantly higher.


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