App to listen to your baby's heartbeat at home - Dicasdorei

App to listen to your baby's heartbeat at home






The birth of a baby is a unique and special moment in anyone's life. During pregnancy, parents are always eager to follow their baby's development, including the sound of their little heart beating.


Traditionally, this experience was restricted to the doctor's office, but with advances in technology, it's now possible to listen to your baby's heartbeat at home.

In this article, we'll explore the existence of apps that allow parents to easily and safely monitor their baby's heart rate.

The importance of monitoring your baby's development

Pregnancy is a period full of changes for both the mother and the baby. During these nine months, the baby goes through several stages of development, from organ formation to growth.

Accompanying these transformations is essential to know if everything is going well and to guarantee the health and well-being of the baby.

The traditional method of listening to the baby's heart

Traditionally, the time when parents could hear their baby's heartbeat was during antenatal appointments.

The doctor would use a stethoscope or fetal Doppler to pick up the baby's heart sounds.

however, these appointments usually occur once a month, which can leave parents feeling anxious and not following the baby's development closely.

Technological developments in healthcare

With the advancement of technology, new alternatives have emerged for parents to monitor the baby's development.


An example of this are fetal listening applications, which allow parents to listen to the baby's heartbeat at home.

These applications use the same technology as medical devices, such as fetal Doppler, to capture the baby's heartbeat.

How a Fetal Heart Listening App Works

Fetal heart listening applications work in a simple and practical way. First, it is necessary for the mother to place the smartphone in a place close to her belly.

Then, the application will use the cell phone's microphone to capture the sounds of the baby's heart.

These sounds will be amplified and transmitted to the device's speakers or headphones, allowing parents to hear the baby's heartbeat.


Fetal heart rate listening apps have emerged as an alternative for parents to closely monitor their baby's development.

This technology allows parents to listen to the baby's heart easily and safely, without having to wait for prenatal appointments.

However, it is important to note that these apps do not replace regular medical appointments, they are just a complementary way to monitor the baby's development.


Therefore, if you are a future father or mother and want to live this incredible experience of motherhood, it is worth exploring the apps available on the market and finding the one that best suits your needs.