Serasa Pay off Debt – See 3 tips

In this post, you will know the best tips for settle serasa debt and never fall into this problem again, whether you have a negative name or not yet.

After all, this is a problem that affects millions of Brazilians, reduces their credit options and can harm them when it comes to achieving their dreams.

In the same way, getting into debt makes everything more complicated, since the interest to get credit is huge, banks don't trust you and financial organization becomes even more complicated. There are banks that run campaigns, such as  pay off debt Itau

Image Taken from Google.

With that in mind, find out now what can be done to debt discharge.

1# Start to understand your financial life

At first, the basic rule for your finances to start changing is to have an idea of exactly how things are.

In this regard, three steps must be followed:

  • Write down how much you earn and when you earn;
  • Write down ALL your expenses, including even the purchase of bullets and debts;
  • Define priorities and where you can make cuts.

In summary, these three steps allow you to start better organizing your accounts, to find out if your earnings match your lifestyle.

Often, the biggest problem is spending more than you earn, on totally unnecessary things.

Like expensive restaurants, recurring purchases of items like clothes, and even living in a place that consumes almost all of your salary.

Therefore, it is important to start following these three steps to better understand your budget, cut costs and learn to use money in a healthier way.

2# Priorities and budgets among tips for paying off debt

The second tip is to start setting real priorities for your life and making budgets that work.

In other words, there is little point in defining very long-term dreams and nothing short-term.

In the end, this ends up generating frustration and can make you give up.

Therefore, ideally, you follow two rules.

First, set short-, medium-, and long-term priorities. Always considering your reality.

For example, if you have a debt and no money to pay off, the focus is to start saving and try to negotiate with the bank.

In the medium term, you pay off this debt and, in the long term, create an emergency reserve.

Second, you must start making monthly budgets, completely organizing your finances.

Develop your financial education to control expenses, save and avoid new bills.

The budget consists of: defining how much you earn, how much you spend on fixed expenses, how much you can save and how to prepare for the coming weeks.

3# Debts: discover the best way to pay

Among the tips for paying off debt, it is essential to consider how exactly to pay it off, which is not always easy.

Thus, it is necessary to be a little calm to assess which are the best options before taking any action.

In some cases, banks really offer interesting conditions, reducing interest.

However, this is not always a reality when you need to pay this bill in installments.

Often, the debts of Brazilians refer to credit cards and loans.

Since both have high interest rates that increase over the weeks.

Therefore, the first step is to talk to the lender to see what he has to offer.

The second step is just making agreements that you can keep.

For example, if the installment is R$ 200, but you won't be able to pay, don't do it and look for a better option.

The third step is to consider paying in cash.

In the latter case, you need to follow the first two tips, saving money and creating a reserve.

So, here you need to sit down and do the math, to find out what is best for your pocket and what will work for your routine and budget.

golden tip

Finally, it is important to highlight that there are some other important tips that you can follow.

How to talk to people who live with you and friends, have a list of priorities, new sources of income and stick to it, as well as defining a routine that works.

Thus, you will find out more about yourself, do a self-assessment and find out where you are going wrong, in order to be able to correct these problems.

This will not always be easy and you may even find it painful at first, but believe me: it is possible and essential for a more peaceful future and for the realization of your dreams.

If you want to know more, keep an eye on this page and check out the investment tips that may be part of the coming years.