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5 tips for homemade food – Discover how to boost your routine






It's no secret that when you start preparing your own food, many doubts end up arising, hence the importance of knowing all these tips for homemade food.

Thus, you boost your routine, make your day-to-day life easier and have more time to enjoy other activities.

Let's go!

1# Take advantage of the beginning of the week to give that fridge a boost

It is common that, after the weekend, the fridge is a little messy, especially after long days working and doing other things.

Therefore, the tip is to take advantage of a few minutes on Monday to clean everything, organize and prepare for the days to come.

In practice, the tip is: remove everything, clean the fridge and rearrange the food.

That way, you throw away what you spoiled, define what should be consumed first and you can now use it to wash and chop the vegetables.

A practice that has worked a lot is to separate and chop what you are going to consume until Friday.

Soon, just put it in separate pots and, when it's time to eat, take one.

2# Tips for homemade food: be careful with the seasoning

An important tip when preparing food is to pay extra attention to the seasonings you use.

Especially when it's going to freeze or when it's going to stay in the fridge for a few days.

This is because, when it is not consumed immediately after preparation, the food can end up getting stronger, as if the seasoning “marks” more.

So, a food that was very good before, can have that spicy or salty aspect.

Therefore, season only the portions you are going to consume at that moment or avoid excesses.

It's easier to add more spices before eating than to waste a whole pan of recipe.

3# Make use of leftover fruits and vegetables

Who never threw away a piece of fruit that had been in the fridge for a few days or even those pieces of vegetables that were taken out of the salad, right?

Although this is very common, it ends up contributing to waste. Being something bad for the environment and for your pocket.

With that in mind, you can start to take advantage of these leftovers to make broths, soups and even smoothies.

It works like this: take a bag and put what you can use inside it, leaving it in the freezer.

Like stalks, more ripe tomato pieces, fruits that won't last long in the fridge, etc.

Keeping everything separate in the freezer, you can enjoy them at other times in your routine. Serving for juices, broths, soups or more.

4# Homemade food tips to avoid getting bored

If you are part of the group of people who easily get tired of the same recipe, be careful: you can change it in a simple way.

Very common among lovers of diets and food plans, the nausea of a food is caused by sameness.

That is, you always use the same ingredients and therefore have the same result, the same flavor on your plate every day.

For some dishes this is to be expected, like white rice. But for others, it can dampen their appetite a bit.

Therefore, the ideal is to start considering what are the options to innovate a little in the kitchen, which does not have to be anything too expensive or fancy.

For example, some tips include:

  • Alternate consumption: rice in one meal and vegetables only in the other;
  • Increase the consumption of vegetables and always prepare a maximum of two options;
  • Vary the protein options: moving away from grilled chicken or steak and towards fish, hamburgers, eggs, etc.;
  • Betting on the consumption of grains, such as chickpeas;
  • Using other types of seasonings for food, etc.

In addition, you can bet on making better use of what you already have ready.

How to season rice with grated carrots and shredded chicken.

5# It's time to learn to eat and taste the dishes

Finally, one of the tips for homemade food is to really give your taste buds time to enjoy what you are eating.

A common complaint among the public is the feeling that “something is missing” from the dish.

Since this can happen because the food is very poor, with few options, as well as because you do not take advantage of what you are eating.

The tip then is to reserve food time just for that, without touching your cell phone or watching TV.

Eat each mouthful calmly, chewing well and start noticing how the food is taking place. Noticing flavor and texture.

This will help you prepare more options, even better and enjoy each dish a lot.